Englishdoodles are our top choice for temperament alone. Our Englishdoodle puppies are breed specifically for their sound temperament along with health. When crossing the English-creme Golden Retriever and the poodle, we create a hybrid with the calm and polite, laid back temperament of the English creme golden retriever, yet we increase the lifespan with the poodle. The English cremes have shorter legs and are not as strong in agility. To be in the presence of an English-creme golden retriever, customers are often struck with their politeness and how very calm they are. An excellent choice for those seeking a therapy dog, or those that may have children with special needs. Organizations like Domesti-pups have chosen our dogs for training therapy dogs. Several of our puppies have gone on to receive their Therapy Dog Certifications. Our miniature Englishdoodles come in low to non-shedding and may mature to around 35 lbs pending the parents weights. Miniature Englishdoodles may mature to around 16-18 inches in height. Englishdoodle coats require regular de-matting, brushing, combing and routine appointments at the groomer shop every 6-8 weeks. We have selected English-creme retrievers from the finest lines across Europe with World Winning pedigrees and famous lines like Dewmist Silk screen.
We do have list availability for our spring / summer litters of miniature englishdoodles. We also offer additional training and will have availability this summer. Please send us an email for further information!
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