We schedule selection days for each litter several weeks in advance to allow you time to make necessary plans to come and select your puppy. To ensure that we are doing selection days on each litter around 6 weeks of age, we have had to schedule some selection days during the week. We understand with individuals having busy schedules themselves, that this might not be the most opportune time for some of you. Please contact the office with any concerns.
Selection Process Details:
At two weeks of age, or a little after, the puppies open their eyes for the first time. The first real photo shoot is done at this time. I aim to provide you with photos every 7 to 10 days thereafter. It is safe to assume that preventative meds are more important than getting the weekly photo shoot done. Customers anxiously get excited to select their puppy, but often wonder when it starts or how the process works. This page is dedicated to answering some of those questions.
We schedule selection days for each litter several weeks in advance to allow you time to make necessary plans to come and select your puppy. To ensure that we are doing selection days on each litter around 6 weeks of age, we have had to schedule some selection days during the week. We understand with individuals having busy schedules themselves, that this might not be the most opportune time for some of you. Please contact the office with any concerns.
We have chosen the 6 weeks of age time frame as we can start to see coat quality and also see glimpses of temperament. You will be scheduled on your mother's list. Typically the date of Selection Day is scheduled approximately 2 weeks after birth. Time slots are given once the list is finalized. Common reasons for change in the order of a list can be not sending a reserve or customers choosing to select a puppy from another litter. This process takes about 1 week following birth as customers make their decisions.
On Selection Day, many customers choose to come visit and interact with the litter if they are within driving distance during non-covid. Please keep family members to a minimum (Spouse and children only) in order to not overwhelm the puppies and give you the best chance at seeing the developing personalities. When visiting the litter, you get to enjoy watching the litter mates interact with each other and also how they interact with your family members. There are many things to assess during your 1 hour visit. You can feel coat quality. You can assess temperaments and see which ones are independent and which ones like to sit on your lap and are more sociable. You also get to have a conversation with one of our knowledgeable staff. We will give you professional assessments. We also discuss differences in gender, size and skeletal structure. We listen for vocal behavior, we watch for dominance, aggression and timidity. We can see which ones are affectionate and which ones are more active. We can compare litter mates with each other. We also can weigh puppies and compare paw size and height. We also look for faults, if there are any. Some customers choose to form a connection with a puppy and listen to their hearts, while some customers come with grids and checklists! We can do some preliminary temperament tests to try to determine which puppies may be dominate. We will listen to your desires and find out what you are looking for specifically.
If you are not within driving distance, then our staff will contact you or post on facebook that it is your turn to select via video. We will call you at the top of your scheduled hour to see which pups are available and assist you in finding just the right puppy. If you would like to see the puppies on Selection Day, we are happy to connect by FaceTime.
If you are visiting the litter, you will receive your entire hour appointment time with the puppies. It's the perfect time to play and interact with them to find your new family member!
There is one additional video of the litter posted on our facebook business profile the week leading up to Selection Day. We encourage you to watch the video and view the photos carefully to get to know the puppies as best as you can.
Once you select your puppy, we then schedule you for pick-up or delivery and also ask if you would like to purchase a bag of food. You may also prepare by shopping in our store here on our website.
Customers pick for all different reasons and in the end, you will probably love any puppy you get. However, decide before you come what is most important to you. It is hard to get everything you like in one puppy, but here are some different things that are important to customers:
1.) Gender: Male vs Female. We discuss the differences to consider during your selection hour.
2.) Temperament: timidity, dominance, aggressiveness, socially friendly, active, independent, vocal.
3.) Coat quality: Wavy vs. curly, thin verses plush.
4.) Size: large or small, husky or petite, skeletal structure, height and length.
5.) Shape of head: Small or blocky, apple shaped, long snout or short snout.
6.) Eye set: Close together, wide set, sweetness in eyes.
Lastly, any of my dogs have excellent potential to be wonderful life long companions if you take investing your time in basic obedience seriously. If you are willing to invest your money, you need to be willing to invest your time. You can purchase the most dominate puppy and send that dog through basic obedience and it will be a wonderful dog. On the contrary, you can purchase a submissive puppy and never train it, and it will end up being a disaster. In addition, any puppy will be naughty and go through a teething and whining phase. They all need plenty of good exercise and proper socialization. Fear about getting a new puppy is normal. We are here to support you before and after the sale. We take pride in educating our customers and answering all your questions. We also will help you decide what kind of containment system you may need. At your pick-up appointment we go over with you the following: Grooming, containment, potty training, teething, whining, K-9 health record protocol, warranty, microchip, basic obedience. We also have videos on our website for you to watch so that your pick-up appointment can be shorter if you are traveling a distance. We encourage you to watch them.
All customers need to click the button below or send a message on facebook to let us know if they what to do Facetime or Zoom Video or Visit Selection. When selecting Video we will do a Facetime/Zoom/PHONE consultation during your time slot with you. After you make your selection, we will then schedule you for your pick-up or delivery. Last we will discuss available recommendations from our store.
Roux's Open House / Selection Day
Miniature F1b Bernedoodles (4 females & 8 males)
--Selection Day: Saturday April 12th, 2025’--
Graduation Date: Tuesday April 29th, 2025’
(Tentative Selection Day Start Time: 10am Central Time. Each time slot will be an hour increment.)
Time slots available from 10 am to 4 pm cst. Please send us an email to schedule your time.
Peaches'Selection Day
Miniature F1 Goldendoodles (1 female & 5 males)
--Selection Day: Sunday April 13th, 2025’--
Graduation Date: Wednesday April 30th, 2025’
(Tentative Selection Day Start Time: 10am Central Time. Each time slot will be an hour increment.)
1. 10 am- Eric V.B. (female)
2. 11am-Available!
3. Noon-Available!
4. 1 pm-Available!
5. 2 pm-Available!
6. 3 pm-Available!
Nevaeh's Open House / Selection Day
Miniature F1b Bernedoodles (6 females & 4 males)
--Selection Day: Thursday April 24th, 2025’ --
Graduation Date: Thursday May 8th, 2025’
(Tentative Selection Day Start Time: 10am Central Time. Each time slot will be an hour increment.)
Time slots available from 10 am to 4 pm cst. Please send us an email to schedule your time.
Bella's Selection Day
Miniature F1b Bernedoodles (4 females & 6 males)
--Selection Day: Friday April 25th, 2025’ --
Graduation Date: Friday May 9th, 2025’
(Tentative Selection Day Start Time: 10am Central Time. Each time slot will be an hour increment.)
1. 10 am- Agnes G.
2. 11am- Brett B.
3. Noon-Available!
4. 1 pm-Available!
5. 2 pm-Available!
6. 3 pm-Available!
7. 4 pm-Available!
8. 5 pm-Available!
9. -Available!
10. -Available!
Honey's Selection Day
Miniature F1b Goldendoodles (5 males & 4 females)
--Selection Day: Saturday April 26th, 2025’--
Graduation Date: Saturday May 10th, 2025'
(Tentative Selection Day Start Time: 10am Central Time. Each time slot will be an hour increment.)
1. 10 am- Jeana Z.
2. 11am- Jessica H.
3. Noon-Available!
4. 1 pm-Available!
5. 2 pm-Available!
6. 3 pm-Available!
7. 4 pm-Available!
8. 5 pm-Available!
9. -Available!
Shania's Selection Day- SOLD OUT
Standard F1 Englishdoodles (1 female & 4 males)
--Selection Day: Sunday April 27th, 2025’ --
Graduation Date: Monday May 12th, 2025’
(Tentative Selection Day Start Time: 10am Central Time. Each time slot will be an hour increment.)
1. 10 am- Abby M.
2. 11am- Jackie M.
3. Noon- Nathan and Jenny P.
4 & 5. 1 pm-Tim & Stephanie B.
Hosted by
Stress Less Tech Solutions